Thursday, February 11, 2010

Well I feel like an absolute dodo brain for completely forgetting to blog last week, I've beaten it in to my brain to do it now. :) This week you will for sure have something to comment on. Talking about rhetoric, I think that pathos is extremely effective when writing a paper because people are so dependent and affected by emotions. That is not to say that they are all important and I believe that each contributes to a different part of your argument. A certain rhetoric may not be as effective if another is not present as well. But personally, I really like using pathos, I think it can really add a lot to an argument. In my papers so far, I would say that I favored pathos and logos because I didn't focus on my credibility as a writer and my sources didn't necessarily come from scholarly sources. My argument and purpose would be much stronger if I had more of a balance between the three since as of right now it seems they are both lacking importance. They need some revising, but I can't wait until they get better!! I look forward to getting your guys' input!


  1. I definitely agree that the balance of the 3 rhetorical styles can really help support your argument and really lead to a strong paper. Pathos definitely has an affect on me. I remember reading your essay with the summary of the Nicholas Sparks book and even though I had never read it, felt attached to him as an author! Hope you are having a good weekend!!

  2. Revising is such a big aspect, so it's good that you recognize it. I'm glad we're focusing on it in class a lot, and I'm sure it'll help you get that ethos in your paper a little more.

    Pathos is very important as a reader, it does draw us in, and I definitely agree with you in aspect.
